Thermeta Service BV delivers a range of burners for combustion plants/heating systems for greenhouse farming, utilities and industry. The LN-series burners is the core of the delivery program and is available for a broad range of liquid and gaseous fuels. The burners are characterised by flexibility and price/quality ratio.

The Thermeta burner has proven for almost half a century that solidity and simplicity of construction result in a high operational safety.
The robust burner house has been constructed from sheet steel varying in thicknesses from 5 to 12 mm and provided with a state-of-the-art Low NOx combustion system for burning (natural) gas. By applying the most recent developments in the field of Low NOx, Thermeta can amply comply with the legal environmental standards up to even 35 mg/Nm3 for specific boilers. Although the LN-burner is really silent, Thermeta also developed a burner with a sound-insulating housing. This
LNS-burner or ‘silent burner’ complies with stringent demands with respect to noise.
Thermeta Service BV LN-series burners has been designed by practical engineers, which has led to a robust and effective design. The
Thermeta burners excel in ease of installation and commissioning. burners also do well with respect to a minimum of moving parts and because of this and other factors they are appreciated for their reliability, simplicity and little need of maintenance.
Stimulated by globally more and more stringent standards, Thermeta has developed a range of burners that substantially reduce the emission of atmospheric contamination such as NOx, CO and unburnt particles. Therefore we are proud that our burners are considered to be among the ‘cleanest’ burners.
Thermeta Service BV LN-series burners represent quality and reliability and give low to very low NOx and CO values in most applications. If Thermeta Service BV advice is called upon for the design of the entire combustion plant and this advice is applied, Thermeta Service BV can guarantee a very low NOx emission (in conformity with SCIOS scope 6 Bees B measuring protocol). For greenhouse farming this yields extra points for the ‘Green label’ quality mark!
The Thermeta Service BV LN-series burners are extremely suitable for applications including: |
- 3-pass combustion chamber boilers for heating and steam production
- 1-pass boilers for heating and steam production
- Renewed 1-pass boilers with integrated economiser (very low NOx)
- Fire tube boilers for steam production among other things
- Rotating ovens for thermal soil decontamination among other things
- Rotating ovens for product dryers
- (Industrial) air heating for ovens
- Dryers for spraying booths among other things
- Dryers for the paper industry among other things
- Dryers for the paper industry among other things
- Air heating
- etc.
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