Also through the construction of burners and its expertise in burners, Thermeta Service BV has very ample experience in the design, installation and commissioning of gas pressure controllers and gas pressure control sets.
A faulty gas pressure controller may cause problems with the burner. Therefore Thermeta Service BV is the proper address for advice and delivery of gas pressure controllers/gas pressure control sets.
Often the gas pressure is raised when installing a CHP, as a result of which a too high gas pressure is supplied to the (existing) burner. Application of a Thermeta Service BV gas pressure control set with buffer pipe solves this problem entirely in conformity with the regulations.
Thermeta Service BV delivers the following gas pressure systems:
- Separate gas pressure controllers
- as pressure control sets with buffer pipe
The separate gas pressure controllers are selected and delivered specifically for your situation.
The gas pressure control sets with buffer pipe are to be applied when the gas pressure is/becomes higher than the maximum allowed pressure of the burner/downstream system. The gas pressure control set with buffer pipe is composed for your situation and specifically designed for:
- Controlling the gas pressure
( DR / pressure controller )
- Shutting off the gas supply of this exceeds the allowed value
( DA / pressure limit safety )
- Gas pressure relief if this exceeds a certain value
(AV / pressure relief valve )
Thermeta Service BV can deliver, install and adjust according to your requirements.
For further information please contact Thermeta Service BV.
Almost all pressure controllers and pressure control sets are to be provided with a correctly dimensioned pressure relief/breathing pipe to the outside.